Here are excerpts from my best print design work!
I designed the materials so when placed on a table; they formed a hexagon. Rather than just putting printed materials on a table, they could display them in a fun way. I’m a big advocate of every aspect of design.
More enFocus...
More enFocus...
The 2012 Scholarship Fellowship Recognition Weekend focused around the event tagline, “Your gifts open the doors to a Notre Dame education.” This 15 piece campaign connects students and their specific donor(s) over this weekend.
More Scholarship Fellowship...
More Scholarship Fellowship...
Afinia’s original print ads were jam-packed, and themselves put in mailers chock full of stuff. I redesigned the ads with a light, sparkly clean design and sophisticated offers. We used low amounts of typography to set a sharp contrast to every other piece in the mailers. We compared how well each ad ran. We found after a while that the mailers themselves were ineffective, so we stopped. I also helped them establish social networking and Google ad words, and make software choices.
World Neighbors...
World Neighbors...