Open-Ended Question: How can a crowdsourcing app resolve a user’s complaint by empowering them to input a small amount of data and see the impact of their contribution (DataViz) on a larger community?
Students worked in a group and individually through:Benchmarking, Personas, Pain Points, User Journey Maps, Scenarios, Task Flow Analysis, Wireframes, User Testing, Naming, Branding, Lo-Fi Prototypes, Hi-Fi Prototypes, and an Explainer Video.
Students worked in a group and individually through:Benchmarking, Personas, Pain Points, User Journey Maps, Scenarios, Task Flow Analysis, Wireframes, User Testing, Naming, Branding, Lo-Fi Prototypes, Hi-Fi Prototypes, and an Explainer Video.
In the course “Online and Mobile Interaction Design Systems,” Dr. Armstrong trusted me to assist in critiques, lectures, and tutorials (motion and interactive prototyping).